On the way in to the village to Estoi can be found the Milreu archaeological site. This is an old Roman villa, which was occupied as far back as the 1st century A.
D. It had baths and a religious building built in the 4th century. And a large number of mosaics can still be seen today.
Additional Information
Address: Ruínas de Milreu, Estoi
Postal Code: 8005-411
County: Faro
Phone: +351 289 997 823
Email: milreu@cultalg.gov.pt
VisitAlgarve URL: https://visitalgarve.pt/en/523/ruinas-do-milreu-milreu-ruins.aspx
Website: http://www.monumentosdoalgarve.pt/pt/monumentos-do-algarve/ruinas-romanas-de-milreu