The Baroque Museum is housed in the Casa do Corpo Santo, a 17/18th-century palace, which was the headquarters of the former Confraria dos Navegantes, the brotherhood of seafarers, shipowners and fishermen from Setúbal. It is situated in the city’s historic centre, close to the Igreja de Santa Maria.
The interior is decorated with baroque tile panels in different shades of cobalt blue, depicting scenes that reflect the day-to-day life and leisure activities of the aristocracy, such as hunting. Most impressive are the 18th-century painted ceilings of the Sala do Despacho (the administrative office) and the entrance hall, the floor of brick tiles alternating with freestanding azulejo figures, and the chapel, whose walls are completely lined with gilded woodcarving.
Because of the palace’s former use, the museum also contains a permanent exhibition of navigational instruments, including over a hundred pieces belonging to the Ireneu Cruz collection, which pays homage to the city’s maritime history.